Change of mind

After sitting on the idea of doing my DA on the Japanese fashion evolution, I came to the conclusion that I didn’t really know where I was heading with it. When I was cleaning out my room I found a ‘Popin’ Cookin’ tanoshii ramen box that I got whilst I was in DisneyWorld last year. When I was in Disney I remember seeing the whole wall filled with these little boxes and thought that I would pick one up. I have seen a few videos on people making these interesting looking “candies” but I had never experienced making one myself before. My little sisters had played around with a few and loved making them, however before picking one up for myself wasn’t too sure what I thought of it. As it has been sitting in my closet for a few months I thought that it would be the perfect moment to bring it out and do a video on it. So after being unsure as to how I wanted to conduct my research topic, I have now changed and am excited to film a video for Youtube as I spend so much time on that platform.

Image result for popin cookin tanoshii ramen disneyworld



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